Get Matrices and Transformations (Dover Books on Mathematics)
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Book Details :
Published on: 1978-06-01
Released on: 1978-06-01
Original language: English
This book presents an elementary and concrete approach to linear algebra that is both useful and essential for the beginning student and teacher of mathematics. Here are the fundamental concepts of matrix algebra, first in an intuitive framework and then in a more formal manner. A Variety of interpretations and applications of the elements and operations considered are included. In particular, the use of matrices in the study of transformations of the plane is stressed. The purpose of this book is to familiarize the reader with the role of matrices in abstract algebraic systems, and to illustrate its effective use as a mathematical tool in geometry.The first two chapters cover the basic concepts of matrix algebra that are important in the study of physics, statistics, economics, engineering, and mathematics. Matrices are considered as elements of an algebra. The concept of a linear transformation of the plane and the use of matrices in discussing such transformations are illustrated in Chapter #. Some aspects of the algebra of transformations and its relation to the algebra of matrices are included here. The last chapter on eigenvalues and eigenvectors contains material usually not found in an introductory treatment of matrix algebra, including an application of the properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors to the study of the conics. Considerable attention has been paid throughout to the formulation of precise definitions and statements of theorems. The proofs of most of the theorems are included in detail in this book. Matrices and Transformations assumes only that the reader has some understanding of the basic fundamentals of vector algebra. Pettofrezzo gives numerous illustrative examples, practical applications, and intuitive analogies. There are many instructive exercises with answers to the odd-numbered questions at the back. The exercises range from routine computations to proofs of theorems that extend the theory of the subject. Originally written for a series concerned with the mathematical training of teachers, and tested with hundreds of college students, this book can be used as a class or supplementary text for enrichments programs at the high school level, a one-semester college course, individual study, or for in-service programs. Circuits Matrices and Linear Vector Spaces - Dover Books This high-level text explains the mathematics behind basic circuit theory. It covers matrix algebra which provides a general means of formulating the details of a ... Matrix (mathematics) - Wikipedia In mathematics a matrix (plural matrices) is a rectangular array of numbers symbols or expressions arranged in rows and columns. For example the dimensions of ... Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics - Wikipedia Add your request in the most appropriate place below. Before adding a request please: for existing articles on the same subject. If an article exists but not at the ... Four postformal stages (Commons) - EarthLink Four Postformal Stages. Michael Lamport Commons and Francis Asbury Richards. Harvard Medical School Department of Education Rhode Island. Michael Lamport Commons Ph.D. 500 libros digitales gratis math books free download ... 500 libros digitales PDF gratis matematica algebra lineal analisis funcional probabilidades topologia teoria de numeros estadistica calculo Complex Analysis - Free E-Books Complex Analysis - list of freely downloadable books at E-Books Directory Classification Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Classification. One of the main topics of scientific research is classification. Classification is the operation of distributing objects into classes or groups ... [] _ [] _. : 14292 : 573 GB; ; d:\\2012.03 ... - ... N.-Y.: Wiley 2001. 255 p. Mathematics of Chance utilizes simple real-world problems-some of which have only recently been solved-to explain fundamental ... Linear Algebra -- from Wolfram MathWorld Linear algebra is the study of linear sets of equations and their transformation properties. Linear algebra allows the analysis of rotations in space least squares ...
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