Free Ebook BookConcerning the Spiritual in Art

[Free PDF.UjGY] Concerning the Spiritual in Art

[Free PDF.UjGY] Concerning the Spiritual in Art

[Free PDF.UjGY] Concerning the Spiritual in Art

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Published on: 2012-01-01
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[Free PDF.UjGY] Concerning the Spiritual in Art

In Concerning the spiritual in art, Kandinsky compares the spiritual life of humanity to a large triangle similar to a pyramid; the artist has the task and the mission of leading others to the top by the exercise of his talent. The point of the triangle is constituted only by some individuals who bring the sublime bread to other people. It is a spiritual triangle which moves forwards and rises slowly, even if it sometimes remains immobile. During decadent periods, souls fall to the bottom of the Triangle and men only search for external success and ignore purely spiritual forces. When we look at colours on the painter’s palette, a double effect happens: a purely physical effect on the eye, charmed by the beauty of colours firstly, which provokes a joyful impression as when we eat a delicacy. But this effect can be much deeper and causes an emotion and a vibration of the soul, or an inner resonance, which is a purely spiritual effect, by which the colour touches the soul itself. The inner necessity is for Kandinsky the principle of the art and the foundation of forms and colours’ harmony. He defines it as the principle of the efficient contact of the form with the human soul. Every form is the delimitation of a surface by another one; it possesses an inner content which is the effect it produces on the one who looks at it attentively. This inner necessity is the right of the artist to an unlimited freedom, but this freedom becomes a crime if it is not founded on such a necessity. The art work is born from the inner necessity of the artist in a mysterious, enigmatic and mystic way, and then it acquires an autonomous life; it becomes an independent subject animated by a spiritual breath. ( Concerning Owls - Native American Pow Wows Concerning Owls. By Jonathan Holmes. First let me state that in ones desire to learn more about the beliefs concerning owls I recommend talking with your family ... KAMASUTRA - Ancient Love Handbook - Spiritual Art of ... Love is probably the most important in human lifes. Angel or deity of love and sex is Kama Deva. Spiritual practice with Kama Deva help for love. Kama Sutra of ... Medical Titles - Mercury Press of the Fellowship Community In his Preface Rolf Heine explains: Rudolf Steiners description of the occult background of wound healing and the spiritual significance of human assistance ... The Book Concerning The Tincture Of The Philosophers by ... the book concerning the tincture of the philosophers. written against those sophists born since the deluge in the age of our lord jesus christ the son of god; The Art Of Jumping Timelines : In5D Esoteric Metaphysical ... Whenever there is an increase of chaotic events there is a convergence of multiple timelines. Due to the fact that your planet has entered a Chaotic Node and is ... Spiritual Laws - Ralph Waldo Emerson Texts Spiritual Laws. Home Up Texts Search Look Up Word Discuss Site Map Transcendentalism Ralph Waldo Emerson Contact. Essays: First Series Essays: Second Series Article 5. Whether the soul is composed of ... - NEW ADVENT Question 75. Man who is composed of a spiritual and a corporeal substance: and in the first place concerning what belongs to the essence of the soul Wassily Kandinsky - Wikipedia Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky (/ k n d n s k i /; Russian: Vasiliy Vasilyevich Kandinskiy ... Spiritual Forums - Spirituality Metaphysical Paranormal ... Welcome to Spiritual Forums!. We created this community for people from all backgrounds to discuss Spiritual Paranormal Metaphysical Philosophical Supernatural ... World War 3 Predictions Coming True 2017 and Onwards The spiritual forces at work that are orchestrating worldwide events such as World War 3 and the times to come. Measures that can be taken by humanity to minimise the ...
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